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Multimedia Science
Science Software By Science Teachers For Science Teachers
Games & Challenges

  Definitely a student favorite and another of the multimedia modules found often in Multimedia Science software are games & challenges. They help motivate students by allowing them to solve real world problems in a fun gaming environment and can be used by one or a group of students on a single computer or in a computer lab setting. They allow the teacher to become more of a facilitator of student problem solving. The scores can be used for assessment or for creating a more competitive atmosphere.  
  Let's take a look at an example game. The screen shot below is from one of the many games and challenges in the Mechanics Games & Demos software. Click on the Physics tab from the home page for more information on this software.  
Planet Rocket Game Screen

In the Planet Rocket Game, students must set a rocket thrust (one that will lift their rocket), launch their rocket, and use the calculated variables to determine which planet they are on. This game requires students to calculate weight, use F=ma, and solve motion problems. This game could be played in front of the class using a computer and projector by asking lab groups to work out their answers and come up to see if they are correct. The Planet Rocket Game is a great way to introduce students to using dynamics and kinematics together to solve problems.


  Here are some other Multimedia Science software titles that include games:  


  • The Ritzytown Water Projects - An Interactive Learning Experience On Acids & Bases
  • Chemistry Games Labs & Demos